Welcome in this oasis of serenity. I love old cemetaries. So that's why i create this blog. Beautiful statues (stone angels), old tombstones and peaceful quietness invite you to reflect on life and death. No, i am not tired of life, i don't wanna die yet, but i love this melancholic feeling i get when wandering about these places. The mystery of life and death. Wander with me.......

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

As flowers die

The sick rose by William Blake

O rose thou art sick.
The invisible worm
that flies in the night
In the howling storm
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.


Alina said...

Oh, this is so beautiful!

Marie-Aimée said...

simply beautiful

Elisabeth said...

Speckled hands, etched in the concrete statuesque hands. Haunting, Momo.

jamesdalemoffitt@gmail.com said...


Rachel said...

Liebste Monica,

einfach schön ;-)

Herzlichst, Rachel

Denise SCARAMAI said...

dear Momo Luna, I always liked being in cemeteries, to feel the peace, enjoy the silence and delight me with the sounds of trees and birds ... very beautiful this blog!

Cynthia said...

Luna, this is one of my favorite poems, because
of the mysterious nature of the verse. So much
can be applied to it's meaning, depending on
where you head or heart is at the time.

Sharmon Davidson said...

This is lovely, with the dying rose. I like old cemeteries, too, and have done a couple of posts with photos from an old cemetery in Cincinnati.

Colleen Loehr said...

Wow- this is a rich poem..."his dark secret love".
There is a strange beauty in the mystery of death/disappearance. Thanks for posting this wonderful poem, which I have never read until now.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Your welcome Colleen and welcome. :-)

Dave King said...

Very moving and thought-provoking. Blake always was, but the context in which you put it gives a new spin to it.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Thank you Dave. I'm glad you like it. That's what i am trying to do on this blog. :-)

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

I wanna ask the people who upload comments here and on my signals blog in japanese or chinese alphabet not to do that. Sorry, but i can't read that, i don't understand it and i'm a bit afraid that this might be some kind of virus or something.
So please, don't. Thank you!

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

And again there were chinese/japanese reactions. Someone warned me that this is spam. So now i've changed the reactions item. Now the reactions will be placed after my approval.
Sweet greetz to you all!

Emily said...

What a lovely blog concept and respectfully done.

Have you ever heard of the Buddhist graveyard in Koyasan?... it's spectacular! And at night the lanterns are lit... you can really feel the soul of the place and its spirits.


Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Oh my, sorry Emily for my late response. I have missed your comment, until now. Tnx for commenting, i really appreciate that.

No i never heard of the Buddhist graveyard, but now i'm going to google it. Perhaps i can post a beautiful photo of it with a poem about light.

Thank you!

samssein said...


I featured your pic on my post if you don't mind. Thank you for the pic. I understand how you have fascinating by those status.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful Monica...