Welcome in this oasis of serenity. I love old cemetaries. So that's why i create this blog. Beautiful statues (stone angels), old tombstones and peaceful quietness invite you to reflect on life and death. No, i am not tired of life, i don't wanna die yet, but i love this melancholic feeling i get when wandering about these places. The mystery of life and death. Wander with me.......

Friday, September 4, 2009

What is she dreaming about?

Although these angels don't have their home on the cemeteray, i still want to share their images with you. The first one, dreaming angel, i made in a little church in France but shame on me i've forgotten the name of the village. The second angel, who's looking up, i made in the beautiful Cathedral of Boulogne sur mer. Later while driving the car i found out that Boulogne also has a very nice cemetery but there was no time left to visit it. :-( Besides: my three beloved ones, one big man and two little ones, don't share my interest and passion for old graveyards.


Harnett-Hargrove said...

Hello Momo Luna,
The natural light on these beautiful figures are fabulous. Wonderful catch.
The are reminding me of paintings, a series I did years ago, entitled 'Grave Angels' from just these kind of works I took in travels.
This is inspiring! Thanks. -Jayne

Cynthia said...

you've captured the soul of each angel - the
melancholy of the first angel and the earnest-
ness of the second angel.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hello Jayne,
sorry for the late respons, but thank you for your kind comment. I appreciate it. :-) Now i'm curious to your grave angels. I would like to place one painting on this blog if you would like that.
Sweet greetz!

Thank you Cynthia for your comment. I love the melancholy from the first angel, don't you? It's a dreamy melancholy....